Rabbi Avi
Rabbi Avi Roberts believes that our Jewish heritage contains deep philosophical wisdom that he would like to share with as many people as possible. Through weekly classes and one on one learning sessions, Rabbi Roberts offers informal Jewish education to young Jewish professionals throughout the Saint Louis community.
Rabbi Roberts grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where he attended Telshe Yeshiva High school. From there he went to Shaar Hatorah Rabbinical College for 3 years where he earned his bachelors degree in Talmudic Law, he then continued his Rabbinical studies in Israel for a year in the Mir Yeshiva and received an MBA from Colorado Technical University in 2020.
Rabbi Roberts served as the Director of Ignite YP from 2017 till 2022 and currently volunteers his evenings and weekends to serve the educational and spiritual needs of young Jewish professionals in St. Louis.

Mrs. Shani Roberts
Shani likes to say that she fell into Jewish Education by accident. Although if you're schmoozing with Shani for more than a minute you’ll quickly here her say “nothing happens by accident”. Shani’s love for Judaism and teaching relatable Jewish content to young Jews in STL has become Shani’s passion and life-force. What started out as a hospitable Jewish mom who loved to cook delicious homemade food for YP’s in STL – has turned into Shani’s full time Job. Shani spends her days bouncing between one-on-one learning sessions with women and coordinating Ignite programming.
Born and raised in Saint Louis, Shani’s pride and passion for the Jewish community is at the heart of her hospitality and dedication to Jewish Education and building a stronger and more vital community.
After Shani’s schooling in St. Louis, she spent a year in Israel to further her Jewish education and then obtained her bachelors in psychology from Adelphi University of Long Island. Shani is the Director of Ignite YP as well as a primary educator for women.